Logic Circuit and SRAM Cell
With Silicon on Depletion Layer MOS
(Satoshi Inaba,
Member, IEEE, Hajime Nagano, Kiyotaka Miyano, Ichiro Mizushima, Yasunori
Okayama, Takahiro Nakauchi, Kazunari Ishimaru, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Hidemi Ishiuchi, Member, IEEE)
Garima Verma
In this paper, the switching performance of Silicon on Depletion Layer
CMOS (SODEL CMOS) [1] is investigated with a view to realizing high-speed and
low-power CMOS applications. Thanks to smaller parasitic capacitance, the
propagation delay time (Tpd)
in SODEL CMOS has been improved by up
to 25% compared to that of conventional bulk CMOS in five stacked nFET
inverters at the same dd. It is
also confirmed that about 30% better power-delay product can be realized at the
same pd with reduced Vdd
applications, SODEL CMOS shows high Static Noise Margin (SNM) of 95 mV at dd
= 06 V. Smaller bitline delay is
expected and confirmed in SODddEL
CMOS SRAM by SPICE simulations. Latch-up immunity for -particle irradiation in
SODEL CMOS was also found to be comparable to that of conventional bulk CMOS.
Therefore, SODEL CMOS device and circuit technology is expected to provide a
better solution for lowpower system-on-a-chip (SoC).
devices have emerged as one of the promising
solutions for high-performance
CMOS applications. It is offering many
advantages over conventional
bulk CMOS, such
due to the floating
body effect (FBE), smaller junction
capacitance (Cj) and less body
effect [2]. However, there are many disadvantages
to be overcome concerning
PD-SOI CMOS devices, such as the history effect, wafer quality and cost,
gate oxide integrity, self-heating, and additional option
of body contact to fix the body potential. If desirable SOI CMOS
device characteristics were realized using conventional bulk
CMOS technology, a better solution would be available
for high-performance and low-power CMOS, and especially so for
system-on-a-chip (SoC) applications.
The new MOSFET
device concept of Silicon
On DEple- tion Layer FET (SODEL FET) has been proposed
to achieve high-performance
in future CMOS applications [1]. For ex- ample,
SODEL FET on a bulk silicon wafer has an artificial depletion layer which works as
an insulator like a buried oxide
The artificial depletion layer is made by junction beneath
a channel region in SODEL nFET. In
the case of SODEL pFET, the artificial
depletion layer is formed by junction beneath
the channel region. In contrast to PD-SOI devices,
the holes generated by impact ionization can be swept
away from channel region to substrate,
and therefore, the kink effect or the history effect will be
suppressed in SODEL FET [1].
II. Device Structure and Fabrication Of SODEL
SODEL CMOS is fabricated with bulk CMOS compatible
process; however, fabrication of the
depletion layer region
requires the silicon epitaxy technique in the channel region to optimize the impurity profiles,
and also requires two
additional mask and ion implant
processes in both nFET and pFET. By forming
stacked region beneath the channel region, the depletion layer
is extended to below the
source/drain region. Therefore, smaller
fF m
and smaller body effect V
have been achieved in SODEL nFET. In a previous study [1], the minimum gate
length of normally operating SODEL FET was about 70–90
nm, because the impurity profiles
in channel and source/drain
were not optimized.
Switching Performance in SODEL
CMOS Devices
Thanks to smaller
Cj in S/D diffusion region and smaller body effect,
faster switching is expected in SODEL CMOS logic circuit. In fact, difference between
SODEL CMOS and conventional bulk CMOS has
been observed in our standard inverter case (F/O=1 ,
un- loaded), under the condition of the same drain currents. The difference of should be caused by differences
of Cj and physical gate length
in both devices. In this experiment, the average
drawn gate length
would be about 70 nm and was slightly
smaller in SODEL CMOS case than that in conventional CMOS case in referred ring oscillator hardwares. The difference
is due to the wafer to wafer variation of average drawn gate lengths
in gate stack formation process.
IV. Spice
Simulations O SODEL
CMOS for Static And Dynamic Logic Circuits
Next, the advantage of SODEL CMOS has been investigated by
SPICE simulations both for static and dynamic logic circuits
The device parameters of SODEL CMOS for SPICE simulation
with BSIM3v3 model were extracted
by a commercially avail-
able tool. At first, the extracted device parameters in
SPICE simulations were verified
by the reproduction of the experimental
Tpd’s in standard inverter.
Then, Tpd of multi-input NAND logic
gate were simulated. From the simulation results, it has been found that the delay time improvement will be about 16%
in bottom switching and 23% in top
switching for 4-input NAND logic gate Larger
improvement in top switching than in bottom switching may also be due to smaller body effect and smaller
Cj in pFETs and top nFET
as discussed in the previous
section. These results suggest
that SODEL CMOS provides higher
speed or lower power in stacked logic gate circuits, such as A/D converters,
adders and multipliers with pass-transistor logic.
V. SRAM Application of SODEL CMOS Technology
To confirm
the applicability of SODEL CMOS to real LSI,
1 Mbit SRAM Array Diagnostic Monitor (ADM) has been fabricated with 90-nm CMOS technology. Fig. 12 shows the chip
micrograph of 1 Mbit SODEL CMOS SRAM ADM with Cu metal
process. It is composed
of 8 blocks of 128 K SRAM cell arrays. Measured function bit rate
suddenly fell at suddenly fell at
V due to high
in support
devices of peripheral circuit.
However, since
variation of fail bit was very
small in Vdd V, we think normal SRAM operation
should be extended to Vdd region down to 0.60 V. These results suggest that SODEL CMOS has sufficient
applicability for SRAM cell even at Vdd V. Simulated
SRAM cell operation in SODEL CMOS.
It is confirmed
for the first time that SODEL CMOS technology can realize higher AC performance,
extending to the high-speed or low-power operation
regime. Propagation delay time and power-delay product
in SODEL CMOS will be about
20% smaller than those in conventional
CMOS. The performance improvement
is due to smaller Cj and smaller
body effect, like in PD-SOI CMOS. 1 Mbit SRAM ADMs were also fabricated
by using SODEL CMOS devices with 90-nm node CMOS technology. The measured characteristics and simulation
results showed normal behaviour in SODEL CMOS SRAM cell. Therefore, SODEL CMOS technology should provide a potential solution for high-speed, low-power and cost-effective
CMOS applications, even in sub-50-nm gate length
CMOS generation. SODEL CMOS technology
is easily combined with conventional
bulk CMOS; therefore, it is also suitable for recent SoC applications, including embedded memory
or RF applications
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